Untitled yet…

05 Jul


I patiently wait. What am I waiting for? I don’t know, starting from a distanced moment, I’ve gotten used to not to plan for anything. So I really don’t know, what I’m really waiting for. I’m a lady in waiting…Laughing…


在等候的日子里﹐我又認識了自己多一點﹐接受自己多一點。每逢明白自己多一點的時候﹐我心多讚美我神我的主。神助我看到我是我﹐善感的我﹐還有陽光下我的影子 — 一個我追趕﹐又逃離的影子。其實我真的好渺小。我為自己曾經的自大感到悲哀。

In days of waiting, I get to know myself more, accept myself more. Every time I understand myself more, my heart feel urges to praise my Lord, the sovereign power. My God helps me to see I’m really I’m, a sensitive me and the shadow of me in the sun — a shadow that is alive and active, a shadow that I’ve chased after and hid from. Indeed, I’m belittled. Lamentations for I was once so prideful deepening…  

Is it an ever-changing life? Shredding off a drying old self, putting on a refreshing new self. If without God, where comes the strength to leave a comfort zone and experience a promised full life? Answer lies in God.



It is understood, in the inner world of poets, waiting can be filled with beauties. Thoughts are seething into seasoned merrier aroma. Aroma overflows…intoxicates…

I saw a shadow…



Graciously raised a half full glass, and sipping from it the pressed, fermented, and concentrated grape juice with old oak flavor. Apparently no need to conceal, bewilderedly… dimly… the world appeared double its beauty. Sprinkles a feeling of drunkenness into the gazing eyes, no need to wait for the alcohol intoxication. A heart itself is already intoxicated by feelings of its own. Music of the heart is exhilarating. Whose music? 



Posted by on July 5, 2007 in Uncategorized


3 responses to “Untitled yet…

  1. jing

    July 5, 2007 at 5:05 pm

    rolling eyes……

  2. Wendy

    July 5, 2007 at 11:12 pm


  3. jing

    July 10, 2007 at 7:03 pm

    hehe…it\’s rolling round and round till I got dizzy enough to fall 😛
    sidenote: I really like this writing 😀


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